sunday morn reflections

 I have this urgeeee to just write down everything that I feel, dump all my emotions and channel it into creation cos I've been suppressing it for toooo long! It doesn't matter if it's good, or bad, or cringy, as long as it's authentically ME. 

I've been thinking about what I wanna channel my energy towards, and writing will be take up a big chunk of my creative endeavours. I'm looking into starting a Youtube channel too, something that marries my love for whimsical cinematography, fashion, and commentary. I'm convinced it'll be a great success, I'll need to set myself a timeline though, so shit actually gets done.  Or rather just do the shadow work to remove all these self-imposed blockages that's preventing me from pursuing my goals.  THAt's gonna take a while. But I don't have to be perfect to start. 


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